Carlo Ruiz
The world of emerging, disruptive technologies is very appealing to Carlo. That’s why he joined NVIDIA, the pioneer in AI computing, in 2015. In 2016, Carlo took on the role of business manager for the DGX Deep learning platform. Before NVIDIA, Carlo earned a bachelor’s degree in Communication Systems and went on to work in various roles enabling him to participate in key technology innovations around mobile and workplace computing, professional graphics and Artificial Intelligence. Carlo also has vast experience in international business development, go-to-market models and specific market knowledge regarding channel, consumer, enterprise and public sector business.
Con Lluvia o con Sol: La Visión de Radar Ve a través de las Nubes para Apoyar los Trabajos de Emergencia frente a Inundaciones
Las inundaciones suelen estar relacionadas con varias condiciones climáticas adversas, como nubes cargadas, lluvias intensas y vientos bruscos. Los sistemas de ciencia de datos impulsados por GPU ahora pueden ayudar… Lee el artículo