Craig Clawson
Craig Clawson is director of NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Institute, which offers certified instruction to help individuals and organizations learn AI and accelerated computing. Craig has focused his career on developing learning solutions for professionals. Prior to NVIDIA, he served as Dean of the Jack Welch Management Institute, where he led program design and curriculum. Before that he served as Managing Director of Duke Corporate Education, delivering custom learning experiences for clients worldwide. Craig holds a PhD and MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He is a true believer in the power of education to change individuals, organizations and improve society. Outside of work Craig enjoys spending time with his family, hiking and skiing.
Cómo Crear Aplicaciones de IA Generativa y Mundos Virtuales 3D
Para crecer y tener éxito, las organizaciones deben centrarse continuamente en el desarrollo de habilidades técnicas, especialmente en áreas de tecnología que avanzan rápidamente, como la IA generativa y la… Lee el artículo
Nuevas Oportunidades De Formación Ahora Disponibles En Todo El Mundo de Parte de Instructores Certificados Del Deep Learning Institute de NVIDIA
Por primera vez, el Deep Learning Institute de NVIDIA pone a disposición del público en general sus populares workshops dirigidos por instructores. Con el lanzamiento de workshops públicos la semana… Lee el artículo