Jessica Soares
Jessica Presença Soares is a senior marketing and PR specialist for autonomous vehicles at NVIDIA. Originally from Brazil, she started her professional journey in media as a reporter and editor before pivoting to marketing. With a decade of experience under her belt, Jessica has worked across diverse sectors including fashion, technology, and automotive industries. Her educational background includes a bachelor's degree in journalism from Mackenzie University in Brazil, followed by an MBA at USC Marshall School of Business.
Impulsando el Impacto: NVIDIA Amplía el Ecosistema Automotriz para Llevar la IA Física a las Calles
La revolución de los vehículos autónomos (AV) ya está aquí, y NVIDIA está a la vanguardia, aportando más de dos décadas de experiencia en computación, software y seguridad automotriz para… Lee el artículo