Raghav Mani
Raghav Mani is the product manager for Healthcare AI at NVIDIA, focused on medical imaging, conversational AI and intelligent video analytics. Previously, Raghav worked at Epic, where he led different product and engineering teams, including the deep learning team and the patient engagement platform called MyChart. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Indian Institute of Technology in Madras and a master's degree from Texas A&M University.
La Plataforma de Computación NVIDIA Medical Edge AI Es Seleccionada por las Principales Startups de Cirugía Robótica y Digital
NVIDIA presentó hoy la plataforma NVIDIA IGX para casos de uso de IA médica en el edge, brindando seguridad y protección avanzadas a máquinas inteligentes y colaboración hombre-máquina. IGX es… Lee el artículo