Tony Kontzer
Tony has been writing about technology and business since a stint at the San Jose Business Journal in the mid-1990s. He began his freelance career in 1996 and over the years has written features, news reports and blog posts for publications such as CIO Insight, Baseline, Investor's Business Daily and Wired Magazine. He has also written white papers, case studies, Web site content, and marketing collateral pieces for companies such as Oracle, Hewlett-Packard, VMware, Computer Associates, Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories and Oxford Economics. From 2000-2006, he was a senior editor at InformationWeek, where he covered technologies such as CRM and storage, as well as IT in the travel and hospitality industry. A 1988 graduate of the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism, Tony spends his spare time scheming about the future with his wife, playing with his three sons, tinkering around his home in Albany, Calif., and, when time allows, playing saxophone and traveling. His somewhat irregular Twitter posts can be found at http://twitter.com/tkontzer.
Combate el Fuego con Información: CAPE Analytics Utiliza la Visión de Computación para Poner los Datos Geoespaciales y la Información de Riesgos en Manos de las Compañías de Seguros de Propiedad
Todos los días, se están recopilando grandes cantidades de imágenes geoespaciales y, sin embargo, hasta hace poco, uno de los mayores usuarios potenciales de ese tesoro, las aseguradoras de propiedades,… Lee el artículo
Startup Israelí Aprovecha las GPU para Ofrecer una Interfaz de Lenguaje Natural en Cualquier Entorno
Ya sea hablando con bancos, proveedores de telefonía celular o compañías de seguros, las personas a menudo encuentran interfaces de voz impulsadas por IA para dirigir sus llamadas al departamento… Lee el artículo